Friday, July 24, 2009

Artist Shoot :: Antonio Gregorio - The Ladd School - Exeter, RI

Absolutely hands down the most interesting photo shoot i have ever been on with a client took place this week with Dj Antonio Gregorio (aka Mister Omega) featuring the buildings and grounds of The Ladd School (also know as The Rhode Island School for the Feeble Minded, The Exeter School and The Ladd Center ) in Exeter, RI. Even after visiting both Alcatraz and Area 51, this is weirder and more erie then both combined. Check out Antonio's music at

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Friday, May 8, 2009

CD Cover Shoot :: Chris Garcia - Las Vegas, NV

This past week Chris Garcia hired me to do photos for his new CD coming out in June. Below are some images from the shoot.

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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Artist Shoot :: Randy Boyer and Kristina Sky - Hartford, CT

While Kristina Sky and me where both in the Hartford area for the White Party with Randy Boyer, we decided to all get together and do a shoot in some areas of Hartford that you don't usually see when just passing through. Check out Randy at and Kristina at for there upcoming appearances and free mix downloads.

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Artist Shoot :: Michael Grant - Springfield, MA

Last week while in New England, Michael Grant hired me for some press shots for his web and pr needs. Michael is a music producer that did the beats behind the new hit song "Crazy Possessive" by Kaci Battaglia which has been getting great ratings on Sirius/XM Radio. Check out Michael's myspace page if you get a chance -

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Friday, March 27, 2009

Artist Shoot :: Cambria Detken

Cambria Detken is an absolutely amazing singer based out of LA, at the great age of 16. Her father, Karl Detken is a good friend and asked me to help them out with some press images late last year. Below are some of the photos from the shoot, more are available at Cambria's myspace at

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