Thursday, April 30, 2009

Artist Shoot :: Randy Boyer and Kristina Sky - Hartford, CT

While Kristina Sky and me where both in the Hartford area for the White Party with Randy Boyer, we decided to all get together and do a shoot in some areas of Hartford that you don't usually see when just passing through. Check out Randy at and Kristina at for there upcoming appearances and free mix downloads.

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Nightlife Event :: Randy Boyer & Kristina Sky White Party @ Room 960 Hartford, CT - 4/25/09

It was nice to be back at Room 960 in Hartford, CT with my good friends Randy Boyer, Kristina Sky and dozens of others back where i started my nightlife photography for an absolutely phenomenal night of progressive trance. Full event photos avaliable at

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Saturday, April 11, 2009

No Limit - Randy Boyer & Kristina Sky f. Cari Golden [Ultra] Music Video

As most of you have heard, my very good friends Randy Boyer and Kristina Sky just released there new music video of there song No Limit ft. Cari Golden. Below is the video, and if you have a moment, check out Randy at and Kristina at for upcoming gigs and tracks.

Also, here is a live video of Darude playing his remix of No Limit live at Perfecto a couple of weeks ago.

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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Upcoming Event:: Randy Boyer & Kristina Sky - White Party @ Room 960 - Hartford, CT

Second annual White Party at Hartford's Room 960 being held on April 25th. Fortunately, i will be coming back to New England to cover this amazing event. Full information and tickets available at As always, make sure to check out after the event for photos from the night.

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